A mantra is a sequence of sounds and syllables, placed in a particular order. All mantras contain an inbuilt energy, which can be realised and understood through regular meditation and repetition of the mantra.
Just as we listen to slow bass filled music to calm and relax us, and fast tempo music to energise us, we can listen to or repeat a mantra to benefit from the vast spiritual energy stored within it.
Meditation is by its very nature a challenge to the modern mind, which prefers to focus on the outer world, however when practiced regularly the mantra allows meditation to happen spontaneously (Sahaja Dhyan).
By meditating regularly, and spending time in contemplation, the mind starts to focus on our own inner world, bringing harmony to body, mind and spirit, leading to spiritual growth, inner peace and strength. The clarity gained through meditation allows for profound new insights, transforming life as we live it
The mantra ‘Hari Om Tatsat Jai Guru Datta’ was received by Bapu during a Divine Vision after more than 35 years of intensive spiritual practice, and is a gift to the evolution of the whole of humanity, from Lord Datta.
The mantra can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, colour, caste, creed or sex.
What does this mantra mean?
The mantra is written in Sanskrit, a very ancient language originating from what is today India. Modern day studies have shown this language to have an influence on many languages spoken today, including English.
Hari – is the love, the power and the driving force of creation. It is God’s love, the fire that burns away ignorance.
Om (or Aum) – represents the eternal substance of the Universe. Everything that exists is born, is sustained and then merges back in to its origin. Om represents these three states, and the state that lies beyond them – the origin.
Tat – is the universal consciousness, it is not thinking or thought, but the principle that allows thinking and thought to happen. Thinking is like the writing, Tat is like the paper it is written on, without the paper, there can be no writing.
Sat – means Truth and existence, the Truth without qualification, The Universal Truth and the absolute reality of pure existence.
Jai – means rejoicing, joy and victory of the highest respect, reverence and adoration.
Guru Datta – Guru literally means ‘bringer of light, remover of darkness’. A Guru is a Master, one who illuminates the Truth. Guru Datta is the Guru of Gurus, the Master of Masters, the one who was before all the other Masters could be (like Buddha, Krishna, Christ, Mohammed, etc). Just as water had to exist before the oceans could, Guru Datta represents the bare simple Universal Truth, that had to exist before any Master could, and so Guru Datta represents the Truth that all Masters speak of. The Truth that illuminates the Darkness, and brings light.
Hari Om Tatsat – This first part of the mantra translated means:
The love, power and driving force which is the love of God,The eternal substance of the Universe, from which all is made,And the Universal Consciousness, the intelligence of Creation, That is the only Truth, That is the only Existence.
Jai Guru Datta – The second Part of the mantra translated means:
Let us rejoice, and fill our hearts with joy,
The One who lights the darkness, is the Light
The One who illuminates the Truth, is the Truth Guru Datta is within us all.
Practising the mantra
According to ancient tradition, a mantra was only given to a spiritual aspirant by a Guru. Once given, the mantra was to be practiced regularly to benefit from its potent, but hidden power.
The person practicing the mantra was not allowed to give the mantra to anyone else, as all mantras are given by a Guru to suit the requirements of that person.
This mantra however, is a gift to all humanity. There are no restrictions on who can and cannot use it.
The mantra is for anyone and everyone, and it can be passed on by anyone.
The purpose of the mantra is to empower the individual, and to enable them to see the Truth, the Truth which is within everyone.
To use the mantra, follow these guidelines:
- The mantra should be practiced regularly, ideally once a day.
- You can practice the mantra on your own, or with a group of people.
- You can say the mantra out aloud, or silently in your mind.
- When practicing, sit in a quiet room where you will not be disturbed.
- Sit on the floor, or on a chair, with your back straight.
- Chant the mantra for 10-15 minutes.
- After chanting, close your eyes, and meditate for a further 10-15 minutes, or however long you are comfortable.
Download the mantra audio file (right click, ‘save target as’)
This version is about 15 minutes long, and can be played while you are chanting the mantra. This version is sung by Bapushri.
If you use the mantra, and find that it helps you, please pass it on to others as it may also help them.